Sunday, December 1, 2019

Changing my Money Attitude

For many years I’ve been under the typical money mindset that I reckon 80 to 90 percent of people live to…
Get a job, work hard, pay your pension and wait until you’re 65+ to retire.
I now think that’s pretty crap advice! 

This sort of advice led me down a sensible career route of engineering over something I possibly could have been more passionate about, like art. Don’t get me wrong, at the time I had a passion for engineering and a drive to learn more about it… and it has led me to a successful career as an engineering specialist earning a “reasonable” wage.
I say reasonable, because at one point I couldn’t have dreamed of earning the money I do now.
But that’s not enough anymore.
My career doesn’t fill me with passion. My creativity is stunned and my work doesn’t count to anything that matters to me.
What’s more is I have to work the hours decided by someone else, I’m on call at times which prevents me fully enjoying my free time and the days in the job are long, dirty and I’m hidden from the beauty the world has to offer.
So, over the last few years, I’ve shifted my mindset and realised the possibilities in life of feeling fulfilled! 

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What stops me quitting my job then and going for this fulfilled lifestyle? 
Money has become such a needed asset these days to do almost anything. It’s an exchange of value. So if I want to travel, I need money to exchange for transport and accommodation.
Money is the reason why so many of us work and stay in work until retirement…
I’m aiming to break that through this journey of generating financial wealth, through businesses, trading and investing.
I’m educating myself through books, courses and mentors to learn from those who’ve already attained wealth and I’m sharing my journey here.
I know it’s not going to be easy. I need to step out my comfort zone, be disciplined and really put myself out there.
I’d love you to follow my journey and hopefully I can help you learn something to so you can also achieve your dreams!
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